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It is possibly the oldest form of online communication, but it has a profound effect on the audience.

When email marketing is done properly, the ROI is also high.

When it comes to email marketing, we recommend making it a personalized email so that the reader not only engages but also connects on a deeper level. It should be done on a regular basis to maintain a positive relationship with the audience. It increases trust, sales, and brand awareness.



Email Marketing

We recommend email automation because it is scalable and helps in the creation of a large number of email lists.

It is an effective sales tool for warming up an audience in order to convert them into paying customers.


Whether you need to acquire a new client, retain an existing one, or do it for promotion.


Are you running a successful email marketing campaign? ask the following questions:


Are you getting enough email open rates?

Do you have a sufficient number of people on your email list?

Are you getting a good ROI on your email marketing?

Have you set up email automation correctly?

Benefits of Email Marketing

Do you want a professional website for your business to increase brand awareness & reach?

We got you covered!

Personalized Content

Through email marketing, you can segment your audience based on certain metrics and provide engagement with personalized contents

Collect Feedbacks/Surveys

Having an email marketing campaign set up helps you constantly get connected with your audience making it easy to conduct surveys and feedback

Improving Sales

Providing constant value through content in an email marketing campaign helps you build trust among your audience. It helps you get more interest in your business and products resulting in increased sales.

Easier Communication

Email marketing enables you to have two-way communication with your audience. It means you and your audience can communicate, giving the audience a sense of connectivity.

Reach Right People at Right Time

You can reach out to your audience through segmentation and automation in email marketing with the right set of solutions when they need them the most. This provides a high probability of getting conversions.

Provide More Value

Through email marketing, not only you promote your business and products, but also provide information related to your niche. This gives the audience to know more about the niche and hence provides value to them.

Generate Traffic

In email marketing campaigns, not only do you provide content, but also link back to your website and social media. This can provide you with traffic and engagement increases.

Own Your List

Email marketing services are often exportable, meaning you own your media, content and contact lists. Unlike social media, in which you don’t have control over these.

Our Approach to Email Marketing

Learn about our process in Email Marketing

Understanding the aims and objectives of the email marketing campaign using the right objectives like:

  • Sharing information about a newly launched product
  • Getting your audience to sign up for your services
  • Getting your customers to buy your products or renew their subscription
  • Informing your audience about a new feature or service

Identifying and establishing rules for measuring the success of the email marketing campaign

  • Segmenting audiences based on several parameters, such as behaviour, preferences, purchase capability and previous data
  • Targeting the campaigns for each customer segment, and offering them personalised offers, information and deliverables

Choosing the right email marketing tools based on:

  • Target Group
  • Target Market
  • Tentative Budget
  • Content Niche

-Setting up measurement of click-thru rate with a base measure of 3%

-Setting up open rates with a base measure of 15%

Creating different signup tactics for signing up to email newsletters like:

  • Adding pop-ups to the website
  • Adding a sign-up column on the footer/sidebar
  • Adding sign-up reminders on the blog posts
  • Signing up customers through purchases

1. Choosing and creating email content based on requirements like:

  • Welcome Emails
  • Confirmation Emails
  • Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Curated Content Emails
  • Milestone Emails
  • New Product Announcement Email
  • Newsletter Email
  • Progress Email
  • Review Requests Email
  • Special Offers Email

2. Determining the frequency of your emails

3. Determining the crafting of your content so that it appeals to your target audience’s interests and preferences

Setting up A/B tests for your email marketing campaigns on the following components:

  • Subject Line
  • Content
  • Length
  • Word Order
  • Media
  • Personalization
  • CTAs
  • Styles and Visuals

Measuring email marketing campaign success through analysing:

  • Click-thru Rates
  • Scam Complaints
  • Unique Opens
  • Unsubscribe Rates
  • Email Deliverability
  • List Hygiene
  • Sending Reputation

-Closely analyse the target audience’s metrics and behaviour in the email marketing campaigns

-Re-evaluating the previously categorized segments and revising them if necessary

Our Email Marketing Plans

Contact Us to get the Plans and Pricing


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