DO YOu Need


The term “Search Engine Marketing” refers to paid search ad campaigns such as Google ads.

As most of us use Google to find information, this is a huge opportunity that should not be missed out.

The best part about Search Engine Marketing is that it allows you to reach out to customers who are already looking for your services.


Search Engine Marketing

Our approach is to create an SEM strategy to help you build your brand by increasing visibility and spreading awareness and identifying the keywords a company should use to reach out to their potential customers.

The best part is that it can be measured.

Consider the following factors when developing your SEM strategy:

What are your SEM budget and goals?

Who is your target audience?

What is the demographic of your target audience?

What are the keywords they are looking for?

What type of ad copy are you going to create (video/image & text)?

Are you getting enough conversions from SEM?

Benefits of Search Engine Marketing

Do you want a Google Ads funnel for your business to increase brand awareness & conversion?

We got you covered!

Increase Brand Awareness

High-ranking campaigns often help you grab the attention of your potential customers to your products and services, and they are more likely to re-visit your website, prefer you or even recommend you.

Grab Attention at the Right Time

Research shows that more than 85% of the people researching online know exactly what they are looking for.


Search Engine Marketing campaigns provide high precision and in-depth campaign analytics which can help you in measuring success and optimising your campaign.

Appear on Competitor's Related Keywords

Search Engine Campaigns give you leverage to appear on those terms which are often used to search your competitors, securing your exposure to those keywords and getting traffic from them.

Create Geo-Targeted Search Ads

Search Engine Marketing gives you a choice to target your audience based on their location, specific region and languages.

Reach Potential Customers Easily

While Search Engine Optimization is considered the best method to attract free quality traffic, Search Engine Marketing gives your products and services a quick boost to reach your potential customers.

Our Approach to Search Engine Marketing

Learn about our process in promotion in search engines

– Understanding your Target Audience

– Identifying their needs and motivations

– Highlighting how your products can serve the purpose

– Reviewing your company’s position in the marketplace

– Identifying top competitors

Identifying specific goals and benchmarks for the campaign, such as search rankings, website traffic increase, sales leads, etc

– Selecting the best keyword phrases based on:

  • Relevancy of your business
  • Searched more often by the target audience throughout their buyer’s journey

– Getting inside the heads of your customers and brainstorming about potential keyword phrases your customers use while thinking about your products and capability through the AIDA stages of the buyer’s journey

– Brainstorming with your salesperson/customer service about what keyword phrases they think are most important

– Using several tools to verify the metrics of the selected keywords to sort the best keywords out of them

– Prepare a list of those keywords to be later used in the campaign

– Creating an Ads Manager Account for your business if not already created

– Creating a PPC/CPL/CPS/CPC Campaign:

  • Bidding on the most relevant keywords
  • Making sure your product offering is of interest to the searches
  • Creating content, headings and descriptions relevant to the campaign
  • Including a compelling “Call-to-Action” in the ad
  • Sending the traffic to the relevant lending page created for the ad set

– Analysing the click-through rate

– Checking the quality score of the campaign

– Analysing the conversion rate

– Analysing cost-per-action (CPA)

– Checking the waste spend and optimising to minimise it through selecting negative keywords

Our Search Engine Marketing Plans

Note: These are Standard Search Engine Marketing/PPC Packages and as per client’s requirement and our policy updates, pricing are subject to change. Our Packages don’t include any Google Ads spent amount.

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